The Costa Rican Social Security and Bioethics


  • Jimmy Washburn Escuela de Filosofía Universidad de Costa Rica


This paper is about the financial crisis of the Costa Rican Social Security and the way specialized language (management language) falls into forms of exclusion. The study is based on two Reports, one of PAHO and the second one made by a Board of Dignitaries, both issued in 2011. The attention is paid on how covered population is told and meant. The point of view held on this paper is how moral concepts are shaped by language, as well the ways of civil participation (those related to how citizens think institutions work are their concern). These remarks are part of the Bioethics debate because of financial crisis falls into a institutional paternalism due to everything is done for covered population's sake but without taking account of what this population may say about itself.



How to Cite

Washburn, J. (2015). The Costa Rican Social Security and Bioethics. Dilemata, (17), 137–168. Retrieved from