The WikiLeaks case as a touchstone of Jürgen Habermas"™ deliberative democracy


  • Miquel Comas i Oliver


This article conveys two highlighted ideas: on the one hand, it claims the fairness and the truth of deliberative democracy; on the other, it denounces the fictional character of the «Westphalian» paradigm. The two hypotheses appear thanks to WikiLeaks"™ principled leaking. In order to evaluate them, I previously carry out a critical examination of the evolution of the political conception of Jürgen Habermas. My contribution is to reinterpret his deliberationism as a combination between a theory of power and public opinion.



How to Cite

Comas i Oliver, M. (2012). The WikiLeaks case as a touchstone of Jürgen Habermas"™ deliberative democracy. Dilemata, (8), 123–151. Retrieved from