Migrant Women and Misoprostol: Private Abortion, Public Scandal


  • Rosana Triviño Caballero Unidad Asociada de Éticas Aplicadas, Instituto de Filosofía del CCHS-CSIC - Universidad de Salamanca


Why migrant women turn to clandestine medical abortion when it is possible to terminate pregnancy in a regulated and free way? Starting from a case reported in a press release, this paper aims to provide arguments for a possible answer. Against the hegemonic medical model, the debate on the use of misoprostol extends not only to the identification of the Spanish health-care system dysfunctions, but to speeches about identity and self-management for women empowerment.



How to Cite

Triviño Caballero, R. (2012). Migrant Women and Misoprostol: Private Abortion, Public Scandal. Dilemata, (10), 31–44. Retrieved from https://www.dilemata.net/revista/index.php/dilemata/article/view/169