Gestational Surrogacy: Medical Aspects


  • Rubí Nieves Rodríguez Díaz Área de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Medicina Universidad de La Laguna


In gestational surrogacy, a woman accepts, by agreement, that a human embryo from in vitro fertilization of another person or couple is transferred to her uterus, to carry that pregnancy to term and hand over the newborn to the intending parent/s after birth. The Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF) states that: "Must be considered an exceptional resource, only justified when there is a medical indication for the duly documented technique or a situation of structural sterility in the intending couple or woman (male homosexual couple and single man), having exhausted other fertility treatments". According to the current Law on Assisted Reproduction Techniques, it is not a procedure that can be carried out in our country. Regarding health risks of the pregnant surrogate during pregnancy, they are similar to those of any other pregnant woman. Perinatal outcomes are similar to those of IVF cycles and ovocyte donation, and there is no evidence of increased lesions related to surrogate gestation.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Díaz, R. N. (2018). Gestational Surrogacy: Medical Aspects. Dilemata, (26), 1–14. Retrieved from